The story of who we are and all we love.

About the Wild Pioneers.

One poker playing Norwegian. One cold-swimming Scot. Two people who would really rather just be outside.


Who we are.

A Stoic is someone who transforms fear into prudence, pain into transformation, mistakes into initiation, and desire into undertaking.” - Nassim Taleb

That’ll do.

But seriously. I’m the most fearful person I ever heard of, and I spend my days trying to make that not the case. I’m a writer, Espen is a photographer. Somehow we put our academic, scientific, and professional experience into the mix, and out popped a couple of artists. Who saw that coming? Thankfully, we remain geeks, and are even more serious about the outdoors.

What we live for.

The outdoors. Words. Nature. This is our jam, and our peanut butter. And Marmite too, but not at the same time, for obvious reasons. Did I mention we love sourdough? I make it, and Espen eats it in the form of peanut butter and jam sandwiches. Bliss.

Solitude, long walks in nature, and van trips. This is what we live for.

What we are about.

You know how good you feel after you’ve spent a day in the great outdoors? This is what we are about. Immersion in nature, appreciating the small things and the big things on our doorsteps, and occasionally venturing further afield when time and interest permits. Outdoors is where we reset. It’s where we connect to the natural world all around us. It’s where we find out more about ourselves and how we fit into all the madness. Ths is what we are about.